Massurrealist Sound Collages :
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Massurrealist Meditation #01 mm01.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #02 mm02.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #03 - mm03.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #04 - mm04.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #05 - mm05.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #07 - mm07.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #09 mm09.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #11 - mm11-b.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #12 mm12.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #13 - mm13.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #14 mm14.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #15 mm15.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #16 - mm16.mp3
Massurrealist Meditation #17 mm17.mp3

Cecil Touchon :
What Constitutes A Massurreality ?

February, 2001

Cecil Touchon (U.S.A.) has works in numerous private and corporate collections including David E. Rockefeller Jr., Citibank, Bank of Tokyo, and Delta Airlines. He is represented in New York by Sears/Peyton Gallery.
excerpt from Excerpt from Massurrealism: A Dossier (Novus Haus, 2004) :

MASS: This is a reference to mass media - Television, movies, electronic, digital, computer influence, ads, print, billboard & other means as art. A new generation of artists are living in the age of mass-media, the internet, nuclear devices, and genetic engineering and the perennial question of what does it all mean? The details of daily life.

SUR: (Super)  -  Sur is interesting because it can have two meanings which are opposite of each other  Transcendental / Superficial If you combine these meanings you have the completion - "Mind is Heaven and Hell. The akasha or accommodation is not so different from the sky. Sky we see at day or night: in the day there is a single torch yet all illumination; in the night there are many lamps, yet darkness. Sky at night is like the mind replete with knowledge of names and forms -- it is still in darkness -- while sky at day is like illuminated mind." (Samuel Lewis ) In this sense we are mostly discussing night conditions - many lights, yet darkness.

REALITY: This is a reference more to Consensus Reality than any other- The one assumed to be experienced by all used by mass media - average, sensual reality, This is the one surrealism is 'surring' from

Surrealism: of course, this is the original movement that is the basis of Massurrealism but taking into account the growth of advertising, mass media, widened perspective, Pop Art, capitalism, etc.

The Massurreality then, is an overarching surrogate humo-centric reality constructed by humanity which forms a part of and is intertwined within the Unified Field of Dogma. The current modernist version is not unlike what Guy Debord calls the Society of the Spectacle. However, we shall refer here to the Massurreality in a more positive way than Debord's more alienating and negative critique of modern society that he called the Society of the Spectacle. The Massurreality is gradually growing into all economic and geographic sectors of humanity driven by the ubiquitous corporate desire for constant economic expansion. This expansion brings with it the program of the continuous, mantric repetition of positive advertising messages about the commodities that these corporate entities wish to sell to the general consumer population in order to inspire in it the sense of need for the commodities which are presented. A central theme of these laudatory messages is that through the purchase of these commodities the consumer not only receives the physical product itself but, by imbibing the product, is additionally imbued with all of the positive traits shown in the commercials and is tacitly accepted as a member of modern society..."